Ted K
Before people were complaining about Foucault, before people were complaining about Black Seed 6 (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/various-authors-black-seed-issu…), before people were complaining about ITS (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/individualists-tending-toward-t…), before people were complaining about all the things that people were complaining about that I missed, people were complaining about this guy: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/ted-kaczynski
Love him or hate him, there he is. His manifesto is consistently at the top of this list https://theanarchistlibrary.org/stats/popular The first upload was in 2009 and as recently as May this year his writing is still being added to The Anarchist Library.
Thoughts? Feelings? Words?
https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=2wCd7D4FuAU [clip from Ted K, 2022]
is the implication with your…
is the implication with your "As long as Chomsky, Bookchin and Graeber are considered of interest for anarchists, I'm happy to have Ted K on the library as well" that the aforementioned authors are also not anarchists?
Yes. Graeber is debatable, but Chomsky is most certainly not an anarchist and Bookchin was an absolute goof.
ill give graeber a pass, bc…
ill give graeber a pass, bc i liked him personally the times i met him and ive heard anarchists who dont write say some absurd shit.
but i think theres a point where someone is cited enough by anarchists that including them becomes a good idea. how we curate a library is a pretty interesting conversation. what about things of interest to anarchists? what about anarchist fiction or personal essays, which i wish we wrote more of.
TED Z, sorry, K - Know your misanthropic enemy
Teds scattershot targeting and failure to define what " Left " meant to him ( or anyone ) made him an abysmal failure as an activist. Most of the anarchist interest in him appears to trace back to Frankfurt-School, Marxist misanthrope, John Zerzan.
Blunderbuss Zerzan's been an ugly parasite on anarchism since the battle of Seattle. Too stupid to be an activist let alone anarchist. Beware the walking dead.
Any kind of meaningful post-left-anarchism will exclude all Marxist morons like John Zerzan.
"Teds scattershot targeting…
"Teds scattershot targeting and failure to define what " Left " meant to him ( or anyone ) made him an abysmal failure as an activist."
I realise you're trolling or just incredible uninformed, but: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/fc-industrial-society-and-its-f…
"Most of the anarchist…
"Most of the anarchist interest in him appears to trace back to Frankfurt-School, Marxist misanthrope, John Zerzan"
So anarchists aren't interested in Ted because the guy literally blackmailed the US government into publishing his manifesto in both The Washington Post *and* The New York Times (making it the most read anarchist text *ever*), but because of a few essays Zerzan wrote in the 90s?
I can only respect failing as an activist. Also, Zerzan the Marxist? lol.
Ted K. did not in fact work…
Ted K. did not in fact work alone and there's evidence they tried to assassinate Judy Bari and also might have been an FBI informant
"Ted K. did not in fact work…
"Ted K. did not in fact work alone"
In fact, he, in fact, did, in fact, work, in fact, alone.
"there's evidence they tried to assassinate Judy Bari"
There really isn't.
"also might have been an FBI informant"
The guy has been in a max security prison longer than you've been alive. Try harder.
Actually, as far as evidence…
Actually, as far as evidence goes, there's in fact publicly available newspaper ads of someone involved with ecoterrorism communicating with the FBI with cyphers but there's no way it could be Uncle Ted. No way. Nope. Also ITS are totally not cops either. Just real life floppy taco murderers.
Your Q theories re. Ted K and ITS are somewhat undermined by:
1) The fact, in fact, that Ted has served more prison time than you have been alive, and
2) ITS's first 8 communiques, which were lauded by much of the anarchist world (including 325) for their sharp analysis: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/individualists-tending-toward-t…
a friendly reminder about the quality of comments
As was feared, there have been a handful of one-liners and just terrible comments that are less than a sentence long and take like 30 seconds to submit (not just on this post). One goal of this forum is to have genuine meaningful conversations about texts on the library projects. My recommendation is that if you don't care about having thoughtful conversations that you find another website to share your commentary with.
Perhaps it is what the Internet has become, but we are anarchists here trying to experiment with registered users and anonymous comments to discuss, critique, and learn from each other - not spend time calling each other names and just leaving troll comments for your own personal lulz. I imagine this comment might just disappear into the void to those who it is actually addressed to, but for other participants I wanted to share that the idea is light moderation, but I do hope commentators put a little more thought into their words instead of just saying something terrible.
Appreciate you addressing…
Appreciate you addressing this, although I’m not optimistic, personally. Read something by Hume today that feels timely and sums the situation up concisely:
Disputes with men, pertinaciously obstinate in their principles, are, of all others, the most irksome, except, perhaps, those with persons, entirely disingenuous, who really do not believe the opinions they defend, but engage in the controversy, from affectation, from a spirit of opposition, or from a desire of showing wit and ingenuity, superior to
the rest of mankind.
I'd like to counterpoise…
I'd like to counterpoise your Hume quote with something from Clastres — someone I will assume you despise for being an anthropologist; don't read to deeply into it if that's the case.
"[S]ocial being is a being-for-war."
Kindly, go fuck yourself,…
Kindly, go fuck yourself, dork
u mad?
Hi Al,
I'm not exactly sure what you're problem is, but I would suggest taking your very critical, engaging, and thoughtful conversation over to your Facebook or something. /sarcasm.
I've already had to moderate some of your terrible comments and to be honest - I'm quite sure it has been only you so far. My kind suggestion is to slow down, take a little more time and thoughtfulness in your reply if you are really set on participating in this website. Otherwise kindly logoff and throw your computer into the river or something.
I'm not the only one fucking…
I'm not the only one fucking around on this forum, and I sign my posts. You know what they say about the journey of a thousand miles, right?
I suggest, if you want higher quality engagement with this site, you could start by not being such a shit mod.
Just to be clear - you're one of the few visitors leaving terrible comments that I have moderated as they have said nothing, but if I want better quality engagement then I need to stop being a shit mod by doing what exactly... leaving up some terrible comments from you?
I'm curious, do you call yourself an anarchist? Or are you just here to try and cause problems?
You question if they're an…
You question if they're an anarchist because they disagree with your moderating conversation? What do you mean you want "better quality engagement"? Maybe you should be specific with what you want or lower your expectations and control over others, your majesty.
Concerning moderation and quality
In my opinion your doing a great job. Light moderation seems more than enough to me, especially because most people around are truly interested in the library and share the concern over the quality of discussions. The forum (and therefore its community) are yet in early stages, trolling will eventually fade away among the activity of more serious visitors. Also worth notice Ted K is quite a controversial topic, so some toxicity is expected. Maybe I'm being too naive to think this way, but I prefer to believe I'm just optimistic.
Flattery will get you…
Flattery will get you everywhere. Post details to receive complimentary handjob.
Please stop moderating so…
Please stop moderating so sloppily. Either be explicit on what is/is not acceptable or stop being such limp dicks about it and remove all non-library-item related discussion including speculation, conspiracy theories, bad jacketing, etc.
The only truthful comment on this entire Forum was removed because it had do do with the enormity of John Zerzan's penis which is huge.
Love spectacular terror or hate it, PoD is part of us.
Between the dangerous high-peaks of spectacular terror and the teeming flood-plains of pacifism lies the variegated terrain of the threat.
Propaganda of the deed breakthrough eluded us then but that's no matter - tomorrow we'll run faster - stretch out our arms further.
Armed with the net we can target more precisely than ever - force the corpse-media to carry their own obituaries.
Sure the net represents technological-society - so?
At this stage of the game retreating forward is the easiest path. Even Biggus Dickus uses radio.
WtF is PoD
"Armed with the net we can target more precisely than ever - force the corpse-media to carry their own obituaries. Sure the net represents technological-society - so?"
Armed with cars and roads we can target faster than ever. Sure cars and roads represent technological-society - so?"
The only target you're aiming at with the internet is your own technoaddicted brain.
PoD = Poopaganda of Doodoo…
PoD = Poopaganda of Doodoo
It's where brainlets think cars are kewl but internets and vaccines are satan
Different anon here. Surely…
Different anon here.
Surely the anon is saying computers and the internet are no different to cars and roads? No doubt there were some anarchists who were excited about cars back in the day, believing they'd be able to oRgAniZe further and faster. The other anon is saying the same about the internet, that *this* is how we go further and faster, that *this* is how we undermine the mainstream, or something. Funny to claim that in 2022, in my opinion, but there it is.
Real easy way found to fight technoaddiction
Get off the internet
And yet
Then you are still in a technological society
Frankly, technology is human, and to be human is destructive and transformative. Anything which can sustain us, is liable to transform us. Gaining autonomy over that is going to be a tricky and unreliable process. I would doubt anyone who has easy answers.
At the risk of meaningfully…
At the risk of meaningfully engaging with something on the internet, I've never quite understood the interest in ted k. It largely seems like an uncritical cheerleadering for the bombings and not the man, but as someone much smarter than me said many years ago "armed struggle is a strategy that can be put at the service of /any/ project."
I've never found his critiques particularly compelling and he's very clear in many of his writings that he is not an anarchist and doesn't regard us very well - though its obvious some of us have a thing for others talking down to us or in some deep part of us also don't actually want to be anarchists.
All in all hes very much the academic he tried not to be - much ink spilled with nothing in particular to say.
All that said i think his writing is worth keeping around, much in the same way I think bookchins writing is worth keeping around - so other's can see for themselves how much of nothing it is.
Ted the anarchist
To LWOD [Live Wild or Die]: This is a message from FC Anarchist Terror Group. We are the people who have been blowing up computer scientists, biotech specialists, public relations experts and so forth. The FBI calls us “Unabom.”
Letter to Warren Hoge of the New York Times (1995): In our previous letter to you we called ourselves anarchists. Since “anarchist” is a vague word that has been applied to a variety of attitudes, further explanation is needed. We call ourselves anarchists because we would like, ideally, to break down all society into very small, completely autonomous units. Regrettably, we don’t see any clear road to this goal, so we leave it to the indefinite future. Our more immediate goal, which we think may be attainable at some time during the next several decades, is the destruction of the worldwide industrial system. Through our bombings we hope to promote social instability in industrial society, propagate anti-industrial ideas and give encouragement to those who hate the industrial system.
Letter to Warren Hoge (1993): We are an anarchist group calling ourselves FC
Sectarian/tribalist anarchism has no place on T@L as chisel and rocinante have made clear
Ted K
the only time i read ted k was when i was transcribing some letters for publication, and i promptly told people i wouldn't be finishing them, or ever transcribe him again.
that said, i have heard plenty of stories of normies who were compelled by his reasoning that things really were That Bad, decades before (and more widely spread than) desert-the-book.
and yea, blackmailing the nyt to post your writing, which is then convincing to lots of norm-core folks, that's pretty impressive. not that it did us any good. but that's a different conversation.
Man of steel
Steelmanning Ted you could take that ' anarchists ' fragment and the fact he singlehandedly masterminded a successful *enough* propaganda-of-the-deed then run with that. ( as indeed Zerzan did - for years )
Then rust quickly sets in since his screed revealed a profound ignorance of the left in general, and anarchism in particular, while his targeting of a couple of civilians raises unpleasant memories of Nechaev and set the scene for the execrable ITS advocacy of random murder. Meh.
Shame if all this gasbagging and timewasting over an anti-social criminal detracted from enjoyment of an anarchist classic ( like " The Spanish Anarchists Heroic Years " )
And meanwhile the much needed ' Post Left Anarchism " project stagnates for want of a definition of ' Left '. Sad!
Thread your replies, …
Thread your replies, "Buttdarling" ;-)
Holy shit. Le way lives
Holy shit. Le way lives
The revolutionary project for small autonomous units everywhere
This project is well underway online so all those A's accepting online activism ( such as posting here ) might investigate it. Its called ' Cryptoanarchy ".
ONE major drawback though is an acceptance of money and markets is required at this early pre-luxury-communist phase.
So you will be accused of right-opportunism.
...the post-left is OUT, Ted K is OUT, eco-extremisim is OUT, but being an extremely-online techno-activist-overlord is IN?
i am not part of the library project. my anarchism does not include industrial megaprojects. the internet is OUT, same as cars and nuclear power plants
Crypto-"anarchy",,,,,,, fuck…
Crypto-"anarchy",,,,,,, fuck off!
IDK I think ruminating on…
IDK I think ruminating on dramas over who is or isn't, should or shouldn't be included in the library isn't very interesting and that's the nicest thing I can say about these threads, of which this is the second I've read and is absolutely terrible...
IDK, it's been most of this forum.
This is the stuff that this forum is made of and keeps this forum from dying like countless others.
I'm a regular on raddle and it's pretty much dead unless we have a conflict between raddlers or some troll shows up.
The forum will do what it gotta do to keep going.
Glad there's Ted K texts.
Definitely glad to see them on the website as he definitely identified as an anarchist in the 1990s at least. His first letter to the media, in June 1993, began with the words: "We are an anarchist group calling ourselves FC." A later communiqué from April 1995 repeated: "We call ourselves anarchists." The Manifesto discusses "our particular brand of anarchism" in Note 34.
Ideally there'd be more disclaimers & potentially some popular sorting mechanisms directly under the main search box, next to where it says; "You can use the following prefixes to search a word in a specific field". Such as a check box for only anarchist texts that would exclude texts labelled not-anarchist.
I understand there's no easy answers though. I'm going to be wrestling with similar dilemmas on the website I built specifically to host Ted K documents, suggested reading & broader topics. I'm pro-tech myself, but I just find his life story and impact really interesting. So, I'm hoping the website can work to draw people in with similar politics to him and similar mental health issues frankly, and then for the suggested reading and discussion spaces connected to the website to have a deprogramming effect and be a mental health support.
Like a popular text on the website is simply 'how to unfuck your friendships' and the discord has already played host to a discussion between people encouraging each other to think rationally about their depression diagnosis.
Other things I've done is have a list of essays critiquing his politics on the front page of the website. And when collecting together research on the misanthropic terror 'group' ITS, I just titled the text 'a text dump on eco-extremism' rather than dignify many of their fictional stories by calling them communiques.
> And when collecting…
> And when collecting together research on the misanthropic terror 'group' ITS, I just titled the text 'a text dump on eco-extremism' rather than dignify many of their fictional stories by calling them communiques.
The early and mid-stage ITS communiques and the attacks they relate were absolutely real.
I'm very surprised anarchistlibraries.net is hosting this. For every one Ted K text there are ten bullshit pieces with titles like 'How to unfuck your relationships using science'. It's basically just a textdump of everything one extremely-online liberal likes with a clickbait title, no doubt trying to capitalise on the recent Ted K film.
продвижение сайта статьями
<a href=https://seoprofisional.ru/bazy/progon-po-baze/zakazat-progon>кворк прогон хрумером</a>
Репетиция согласно основе микс
Сказать об этом, собственно ведь это прогон, полагаю, далеко не нужно.
Впрочем, многие, допустимо, до самого этих времен никак не абсолютно осознают содержание исходной услуги.
К Примеру смотри, содержание прогона заключается во этом, то что в посторонних сайтах, они называются донорами, располагаются гиперссылки в вашинский веб-сайт, но данное, во собственную очередность, положительно влияет в признаках вашего произведения во искательских концепциях. Кроме этого, то что около вам скапливается справочная множество, совершается еще также развитие веб-сайта во искательской выдаче согласно разным запросам. Кроме Того совершается повышение также иных определенных значимых характеристик. Чувство имеются некоторых разновидностей, я ведь побеседуем об прогоне согласно «микс базе».
Таким Образом, вам сделали веб-сайт, что специализирован никак не только лишь с целью отечественных юзеров сети интернет, но, допустимо, некто с целью их также совсем никак не специализирован, находясь вычисленным только в иностранную аудиторию узы. Продвигать его все без исключения точно также следует, но, в случае если с целью данного применять только лишь основы со донорами с «.ru» сектора сети интернет, целевая публика вашего веб-сайта весьма никак не вскоре выяснит относительно ваше создание также станет выражать ко деревену заинтересованность. В Случае Если ведь гиперссылки в вашинский веб-сайт станут возникать в этих веб-сайтах, какие приезжают в жители других стран, возникнет также увеличение трафика также развитие веб-сайта во этих поисковиках, какими они используют. Ко данному добавится также рост ко этим признакам, какие значимы с целью этих искательских концепций, но никак не с целью, к примеру, «Яндекса»</b>
<b><center>ДЛЯ СВЯЗИ С НАМИ ПИШИТЕ В СКАЙП ЛОГИН <a href=https://join.skype.com/AnXAQ9LfhMi8>ЛОГИН POKRAS7777 </a>
ЛИБО В <a href=https://goo.su/4zRx>ТЕЛЕГРАММ </a></center></b>
Ted K. exorcised the beast in an involuntary and unconscious autobiography. In the manifesto he was a pioneer in recognizing that "leftism" is at odds with anarchism (coming in a few years before Anarchy After Leftism), except Ted K. was never all too comfortable (or familiar) with anarchism either. As far as critiques of technology go, his certainly complement the more systematic approach of Jacques Ellul, but other than a few quotable lines it ultimately doesn't add much.
As long as Chomsky, Bookchin and Graeber are considered of interest for anarchists, I'm happy to have Ted K on the library as well.
As far as entertainment goes, I'll admit I enjoyed Manhunt (2017) and the docu-miniseries Unabomber: In His Own Words (2020). Turns out he sounds a lot like Terence McKenna. Can't recommend Ted K (2022), that one was just slow and shallow.